Joshua Sadinsky
Jesse Skokos
Leslie Brown-Flute, Percussion
David Broome-Piano, Toy Piano
Dana Higbee-Flute, Whistle, Picollo
Valerie Hinkle-Violin
Bishop Marsh-Trumpet
Olivia McGraw – Violin
Mike Rummel-Percussion
4-channel Sound Installation
December 5th- January 14th 2021
Exhibition: “We Buy Gold”, curated by Good To Know
Flagler Mall
48 East Flagler Street, Miami, FL
Two composers were enlisted to transcribe the calls
of thirteen birds that inhabit various ecologies in and around Miami.
These two sets of musical transcriptions were then performed by studio
musicians (using various acoustic instruments). The recorded phrases
were later arranged in a soundscape comprised of four interrelated
sequences specifically designed for the Flagler Mall.
Common Yellowthroat, Mangrove Cuckoo, Pileated Woodpecker, White-
Tipped Dove, Eastern Towhee, Red-Whiskered BulBul, Fish Crow, Veery,
Spot-breasted Oriole, Whip-poor-will, Black-whiskered Vireo, Chuck-Will’s-
Widow, Belted Kingfisher